Lower back pain is extremely common in adults. Read more to get a sense of the treatment options for this condition.

Before you begin using stretching exercises to relieve your back pain, it is important to take certain practical issues into consideration. Following top advice and using tips can ensure that you increase the effectiveness of these exercises. This article will discuss some top tips for consideration before you begin stretching.

#1: Speak With Your Physician

To increase the level of protection against any further pain or damage to the back, it is recommended that you speak with your physician. Before beginning any type of exercising, it is advised that you speak with a trained physician. When dealing with stretching exercises, it is important that you discuss the specific types of exercises you will perform and how long they will be used.

#2: Be Sure To Warm-Up Before Stretching

Before you begin any stretching exercises, it is important to do some “warm-ups”. This prepares your muscles for any rigorous activity. You can warm up by walking in the same spot for a few minutes or heading out for a short walk before stretching.

#3: Wear Comfortable Clothing

Stretching exercises are not going to be beneficial if you feel uncomfortable in the clothing or the clothes are restrictive. Exercise attire needs to be loose and comfortable to provide a full range of motion and ease of movement.

#4: Avoid Any Bouncing Exercises

Bouncing is known as ballistic stretching when performed as an exercise. While it seems beneficial, ballistic stretching can be damaging to a person’s body. Bouncing can result in shortened reflexing in the muscles. If you are struggling with back pain, ballistic stretching may be the last thing you want to do. It is back-jarring and can increase the pain instead of relieving it. For an effective work-out, it is best to perform gentle stretching exercises.

#5: Begin Small And Then Go Big

The phrase “go big or go home” is not suitable for stretching exercises to relieve back pain. Remember, you don’t need to perform all the exercises in a single day. In fact, trying to do too much at once can cause damage to the muscles. Start with one or two stretches and add to them gradually as you feel more comfortable. It is important that you perform the stretching exercises daily to have any positive impact.

#6: Working Out On Suitable Surfaces

Working on uneven surfaces can result in more back pain and not the relief of pain. It is best to work out on large, flat services allowing you the room for free movement and a larger area for exercises. Without using adequate floor space, you can risk further injury to the body when trying to perform twist and turning stretches.

#7: Do Not Force Your Body To Stretch

It is vital that you avoid any painful positions or poses. Stretching is important to relieve back pain but not to cause any muscle injuries. Stretching exercises should be pleasant and enjoyable for the individual.

#8: Hold The Stretching Pose For A Suitable Amount Of Time

The average time to hold a pose or stretch is between 15 and 30 seconds. This helps to lengthen the muscles and increases the range of motion for stretching.

#9: Stretch Only One Side At A Time

It is recommended that you target one side of the body before stretching the other side, but you must work both sides for effective pain relief. If you stretch only a single side, you can create asymmetry in the muscles risking further muscle damage.

#10: Perform An Appropriate Number Of Repetitions

As is mentioned, it is important to stretch both sides of the body. Stretching both halves results in symmetry of the muscles and evens them out. After performing a suitable number of repetitions, end with a stretch to prevent muscles from tightening.