Back Pain Treatments | Spine & Joint Treatment Clinic

Other than a cold, back and neck pain injuries are the next most common reasons that people take time off from work. These tips can help you to reduce your risk of back pain and injuries in the workplace.

Most workplace injuries could be avoided through safe work habits and education. Knowledge is power. We should feel that we can change these stats by taking the time to learn how to be safe and educating ourselves on proper posture and ergonomics. A few changes can make a huge difference in back pain.


This is the study of using proper equipment and standards to remain safe and productive while at work. Office environments present a variety of concerns when it comes to ergonomics. Proper ergonomics can help to reduce the chance of a workplace injury, they can also help to increase your productivity.

Here are some proper workplace habits to help reduce injury:

  • Position computer monitors at just below eye level.Keep neck and head in alignment with the trunk of the body.
  • Keep shoulders relaxed and work with elbows close to the body and supported by the chair armrest. If there isn’t an armrest, ask for a different chair.
  • Most of the newer office chairs offer a dial for adjusting the lumbar support. This can help to reduce the incidence of lower back pain.
  • Avoid using the wrist rest on the keyboard when typing, it’s designed to use when not typing.
  • Keep feet flat on the floor.
  • About every hour take a moment to stand and stretch. Walk around the office to get the blood circulating again. It can help to reduce tension as well.

Advantages To Ergonomics

  • Reduced eyestrain, headaches, and muscle strain.
  • Reduced neck and back stiffness and soreness.
  • Less risk of chronic injury in the back and neck.
  • Reduced injuries caused by repetitive tasks like bursitis, carpal tunnel, and tendonitis.

Following these tips will help you to reduce and avoid back pain and injuries in the workplace.